Healthy PEAK performance in management
I help businesses and managers to get their full performance on track, especially at the times when they need it most.
The result:
personal and business excellence on demand WITHOUT becoming ill.

Do you recognise these challenges from your daily life?
You constantly wonder how others can get everything done
Why do other businesspeople and managers seem able to achieve top performance easily, both in business and in their private lives?
You still struggle every day, fighting to juggle all your tasks and responsibilities. To be good at everything and get your full performance on track, in order to please everyone.
Projects in your organisation don't run the way you want them to
It is actually quite simple. You want to help your business make progress. To change things, in order to stay competitive on the market in the long term. To secure jobs. It seems as if your managers or employees only harbour doubts, rather than supporting you and really making an active contribution.
You can't switch off and instead take your work home with you
You come home and can’t switch off. You can’t enjoy your evenings and weekends properly and the time spent with family and friends. You can’t switch off. Over and over again, you keep thinking about work. You also ask yourself at night: How do I get the projects on the right track? How do I resolve the employee problems? How can I meet other people’s expectations?
Possible causes of your challenges
There are a wide variety of reasons for your challenges. Here are just a few examples of some possibilities.
Seize the opportunity and take an objective look. Use efficient coaching methods that are customised for you or your business. You’ll be able to deliver your (peak) performance precisely when you need it most. With mentoring that is specifically conceptualised for you or your business, you can turn the rat race into your playground, and thereby stay healthy.
You are stuck in the rat race
You realise that you can’t go on like this. Because you want to change things for the better. As soon as your stress level decreases again, then everything actually doesn’t seem so bad. That’s why you keep going on as before, occasionally trying out different possibilities, but remaining stuck in the rat race of your existing structures every day.
Incorrect project process mentoring
Your managers and employees are the most important part of the desired change. They form the basis, with the required know-how. But they are not properly on board or involved. As soon as information is lacking or they don’t feel heard, emotions arise that hinder projects and initiatives. As a business leader, you have not clearly communicated your expectations.
You don’t have your own personal mechanism for switching off
It is possible that you are in a state of “mind-body split”. Therefore, you cannot switch off. Or your healthy pursuit of excellence and perfection has transformed into compulsive perfectionism. Perhaps a conflict of values is also the cause of your inner turmoil.
Pursuing your success with great enthusiasm
Self-development and business development based on practical experience – for practical use. From businesspeople and managers for businesspeople, managers and teams. You will be thrilled at how modern and well-coordinated methods will help you and your team to achieve your healthy PEAK performance.
You get the clarity that you need, in order to master your personal change. You get the security that your chosen path is both correct and healthy. You know which stumbling blocks may lie ahead and how to eliminate them. How you can easily change direction as required. You have the necessary clarity. You know what to do. You have a sense of security. You will not fail.
Nevertheless, nothing happens. Why? Because nobody gives you a helping hand. Makes corrections, or even gives you a kick in the ass if needed. You are empowered to implement, in order to change yourself. You get the implementation help that you need.
Business development
There are many methods to successfully implement changes and projects in companies. The question is: How high is the price for achieving the desired project success?
Through the numerous projects that I have supported and been responsible for in my management functions, and the health experience that I have gained in my role as a top manager, I have developed the mirror method. A concept that gives your business exactly what it needs during the process of change: stability.
You get the security that your projects will be implemented successfully. You have the clarity to find the right path again quickly if you stray off course. Your employees have the trust and openness that they need, in order to even solve unpleasant challenges in a targeted manner. You create the transparency that shows you where your business lies in the process – at all times. Your business has the performance that is needed to drive change. And last but not least, your employees and your organisation will stay healthy during the process of change.
Resolve conflicts together, without expensive legal and court fees. This is the goal of mediation.
Don’t compromise – if you do, you’ll regret it sooner or later.
It is not easy to maintain neutrality and objectivity during conflicts. In fact, it is almost impossible. Because us humans are emotional beings.
As a certified mediator, I know the methods and empathy that are required, so I can help you and the opposing party to reach a peaceful consensus. Before you slide into an unresolvable family conflict because of an unjust inheritance. Before your business faces collapse because there is no agreement on succession planning. Before projects fail because the project participants don’t get along with each other. Before business relationships disintegrate because the business partners cannot find a solution on their own.
Sustainability guarantee
With my online sustainability guarantee, you always have the opportunity to be in contact with me, whenever you need to. 24/7 through the mentoring app.
Regardless of our fixed appointments, you can raise your concerns precisely when they are acute. There is no need to wait for the next appointment. You can follow your process better.
On the train, in your hotel room or in the forest. No matter where you have the time and desire to access our work together. Your mentoring content is always available to you – without the hassle of unnecessary paperwork. Your mentoring app makes this possible. Intensive reflection on our work, whenever you want it.
Through joint follow-up, you will ensure the long-term success of our work. You will stay in regular contact with me after the mentoring. I won’t let you down.
About me
Own experiences. Heart, humour and intellect. Modern working methods and applied specialist expertise.
This all makes me the person who can lead you or your business to healthy PEAK performance.
My background
- Born in 1978
- Business graduate [Diplom Betriebswirt] (specialisation in forwarding, transport and logistics)
- MBA degree (logistics management & consulting)
- 15 years in middle and upper management
- Certified mediator
- Certified burnout coach
- MBT® Master of Business Training
- Business Coach (EBE)
- Business Trainer & Consultant (EBE)
- Personal Coach (IHK: Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- Train the Trainer (IHK/CCI)
- Master Typo 3® Profiler (self-development)
- Numerologies (self-development)
- emotionSync® Coach (neurocoaching)
- EMDR+ Coach
- mindsurfer® Coach
- Owner of VERÄNDERNändern® and KOERPERSsprache®
My working methods
For me, business development also means self-development. There is no difference between the two. People are employed in every business. People have needs and emotions (even if nobody wants to talk about them). These needs and emotions are the things that hinder or motivate you as an individual. In the same way, they hinder or advance your business.
Regardless of whether you want to reach your healthy PEAK performance as an individual, or want to help your team to a new level of excellence as part of the business transformation. The path is the same. Through determining the status quo in a well-founded manner, the individual foundations are laid for you or your team. These serve as the basis for further productive cooperation.
The adaptation of self-development techniques to business development offers a unique approach.
Through individual workshops, training and mentoring, your team acquires the spirit that it needs to participate proactively in the change process. I will gladly support you with this.
Exclusive 1:1 mentoring sessions and e-learning content with worksheets will ensure your success. Thanks to my mentoring app, the full content of our work together is available to you everywhere. You can contact me 24/7 and don’t have to wait for our next appointment. This constitutes my sustainability guarantee.
How often do you restrain yourself because someone else has a different opinion? It may be the underlying conflicts that prevent you or your team from giving everything. As a certified mediator, I will help you to resolve this conflict permanently.
Your path to healthy PEAK performance in management in a nutshell.
HOLISTIC… because all levels of change are considered
UNIQUE / EMPATHETIC / INDIVIDUAL… because it is customised based on your personal status quo (including biofeedback and neurofeedback) or the status quo of your team
VISIBLE… because there are real change processes, both internal and external
UNCOMFORTABLE… because it is outside your comfort zone
SUSTAINABLE… because there is permanent exchange via the mentoring app
DYNAMIC… because it is effective in all areas
Customer feedback
Blog – Healthy PEAK PERFORMANCE in management
Here you regularly have the chance to get new input. New ideas and experiences shared from my daily practice offer you a great opportunity to learn how to lead your healthy PEAK PERFORMANCE life
Higher productivity and efficiency with mentoring (part 3)
How would you feel if you were suddenly in charge of an entire company? You have the responsibility for hundreds of employees. You have the responsibility to survive with this company in the market. You are responsible for the further development of the company. You...
Higher productivity and efficiency with mentoring (part 2)
In my last post, I presented the results of a study by the ICF. A study that found that mentoring and coaching improve 70% of work performance, 57% of time management and 51% of team skills. And quite "incidentally", employees become more self-confident and more able...
Higher productivity and efficiency with mentoring
Do you also ask yourself whether mentoring and coaching give anything at all for you and your team? It's all unmeasurable stuff and pure luxury for your company, isn't it? I thought the same way six years ago. A study by the ICF (=International Coaching Federation)...

Mentoring – Coaching – Mediation
Finkenweg 2
79853 Lenzkirch
Telephone: +49 160 981 982 82